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Caring for convenience and meeting the needs of customers, we offer the opportunity to make purchases through our online store. You will find here a full range of Oleksy products, i.e. women's and men's footwear and leather goods, including women's handbags, men's bags, wallets and gloves made of leather. All this in a wide range of designs and colors, made of high quality materials. To help customers choose, we make sure that photos and product descriptions in the online store are as transparent and helpful as possible. The store's assortment is constantly supplemented and expanded with new designs and collections, thanks to which you can conveniently and without leaving your home make a successful purchase with the option of return or exchange. There is also a team of our advisers at your disposal who will be happy to answer any questions and provide reliable advice in the field of Oleksy's range. At the same time, we are open to customer suggestions, which means that our online store is constantly growing and is friendly to buyers. We encourage you to follow the news and promotions appearing in our online store.